

Stewardship (6). Managing Your Talent

Rev. Cheung concludes the series on Stewardship by studying the lessons we can learn from the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25. He urges us to be faithful stewards of what God, the Master, has entrusted to us so that when it is time to settle accounts, we may hear Him say “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

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Stewardship (5). Managing Your Work

Regardless of our professions, we each have a sacred calling to work for God and lead people to Him. Pastor Genesis Tan urges us to avoid the two enemies of excellence and shares four things we can do to improve the way we tackle work.

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Stewardship (4): Managing Your Money

This week, Rev. Jeremiah Cheung continues our message series on Stewardship by examining two types of people based on their attitudes towards money. He also shares biblical principles that we each can apply to manage finances in a manner that glorifies God.

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