Christ Heals With Compassion
We relate deeply to the story of Jesus healing a leper because we, too, are desperate for healing and freedom from the sickness of our sins. This week, Rev. Mike Cariño explores Jesus’ love and compassion for all who acknowledge their need for a Savior and come in faith seeking healing and deliverance.
Read Today’s Scripture Passage
Mark 1:40-45
Life Group Discussion Guide
1. Start with a prayer
2. Engage one another (15-30 mins)
– Share a time when you received kindness or mercy even when you didn’t earn or deserve it. What happened? How did it impact you?
3. Engage the mind (15-20 mins)
– Read the passage. Why is Jesus’ physical touch in vv.41-42 significant? What does it reveal about His character and mission?
– What does Jesus’ reaction in vv.43-45 tell us about His priorities in ministry? How does this challenge your understanding of following Christ?
4. Engage the heart (15-20 mins)
– What areas in your life feel like you have leprosy—things that bring you shame or make you feel unworthy? How does Jesus’ compassion speak into those areas?
– Have you ever been more focused on what Jesus can do for you (miracles, blessings) rather than who He is? How does this message challenge your perspective?
5. Engage the hands (15-20 mins)
– Who in your life is in desperate need of love, acceptance, or compassion? How can you show them the love of Christ in a tangible way?
– How do you respond when God asks you to obey, especially when it goes against what you feel or want? What does your obedience say about your trust in Him? After reflecting on this, prayerfully consider what specific step of obedience God is calling you to take this week.
6. Engage with God in prayer (20-30 mins)
– Praise the Lord for His boundless compassion that welcomes the broken, the weary, and the unworthy. Thank Him for hearing our cries, cleansing us from sin and shame, and accepting us into His love. Rejoice in the truth that Jesus willingly touched our lives, setting us free and giving us a brand-new start through His sacrifice on the cross.
– Repent for the times you have doubted God’s love or sought Him only for His blessings rather than for who He is. Ask for forgiveness for your stubborn heart, moments of disobedience, and times when you have ignored His commands. Pray that the Lord will transform your heart, making it sensitive to His voice and eager to follow Him in full obedience.
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