
February 9, 2025

Who is this Messiah?

When we earnestly seek to know and follow Jesus, we cultivate a value system that clashes with worldly perspectives. This week, Pastor Isaac Cheung discusses the distinctive qualities of our Messiah and what makes Him worthy of being followed as God’s perfect servant.

Read Today’s Scripture Passage

Mark 1:29-39

Life Group Discussion Guide

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1. Start with a prayer

2. Engage one another (15-30 mins)
– Share a time when you experienced strength or guidance not through action but through quiet prayer or reflection. What happened?

3. Engage the mind (15-20 mins)
– Read the passage. Why did the disciples urgently search for Jesus, and what does this reveal about their understanding of His mission? (vv.35-37) How does it differ from how the crowd viewed Jesus (vv.29-34)?
– What does Jesus’ withdrawal to pray teach us about where He draws His strength and purpose? (v.35)

4. Engage the heart (15-20 mins)
– When faced with major decisions or struggles, do you respond like Jesus (through prayer and dependence on the Father) or like the disciples (rushing to fix things in your own strength)? What encourages and hinders you from responding like Jesus?
– Do you sometimes view Jesus as a means to a better life rather than as the suffering servant who calls you to follow Him? Where do you think this response is rooted?

5. Engage the hands (15-20 mins)
– What is one way you can deny yourself and take up your cross in following Jesus more fully in your daily life?
– How can you reflect Jesus’ humility and servanthood in your interactions with others this week?

6. Engage with God in prayer (20-30 mins)
– Praise the Heavenly Father for revealing Jesus as the true Messiah—not a distant ruler, but a compassionate, humble, and obedient servant. Thank Him for showing us that true strength comes not from power or miracles, but from complete dependence on Him. Rejoice that through Christ, we see the heart of God—a God who draws near, who loves deeply, and who calls us to follow Him in faith.
– Repent for the times you have sought God only for what He can give rather than for who He is. Ask for forgiveness for trying to fit Him into your own expectations instead of surrendering to His true mission. Pray for the grace to deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Christ with humility and obedience. Seek His help in choosing dependence on Him over relying on your own strength and desires.

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