
December 15, 2024

Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Why does a holy God allow a righteous man to suffer? This week, Pastor Joseph Ouano assures us that we can trust in God’s wisdom and goodness even if we don’t understand why we experience suffering. Let us remain steadfast in our faith as we navigate life’s trials.

Read Today’s Scripture Passage

Job 42

Life Group Discussion Guide

Download PDF

1. Start with a prayer

2. Engage one another (15-30 mins)
• Share a recent time when you experienced an injustice or suffering that felt undeserved. How did you respond? How did your response impact your faith and others?

3. Engage the mind (15-20 mins)
• Skim through the book of Job. How does the book of Job challenge traditional views of suffering, such as the belief that it is always a result of sin?
• How does the book of Job reveal God’s sovereignty, wisdom, and goodness amidst suffering?

4. Engage the heart (15-20 mins)
• Be honest: How do you respond emotionally and spiritually when God’s plans differ from your expectations? Where do you think this response comes from?
• Do you find comfort in knowing that God understands your pain and is with you, even in your suffering?

5. Engage the hands (15-20 mins)
• How will you actively surrender control and trust in God’s wisdom in a specific trial you are currently facing?
• How can you minister to someone who is questioning God’s justice or goodness in their pain?

6. Engage with God in prayer (20-30 mins)
• Praise God for His sovereignty, wisdom, and goodness, which remain steadfast even in times of suffering. Thank Him for being in control of all things, for understanding our pain, and for caring for us in ways we may not always see or comprehend. Rejoice in His faithfulness and His promise to work all things for the good of those who love Him.
• Repent for the times you have doubted God’s justice or questioned His goodness in your suffering. Ask for forgiveness for attempting to rely on your own understanding rather than trusting in His infinite wisdom and care. Pray for a heart that seeks Him and rests in His sovereignty, even when the reasons for pain remain unclear.

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