
November 17, 2024

Stand and See


In Exodus, God did more than just liberate His people from slavery in Egypt; he also sought to free their hearts from the bondage of sin. This week, Ptr. Isaac Cheung explores how God tends to our wounds when he rescues us from the grip of darkness and despair.

Read Today’s Scripture Passage

Exodus 14

Life Group Discussion Guide

Download PDF

1. Start with a prayer

2. Engage one another (15-30 mins)
– Share a recent time you cried out to God. Did you feel that He heard you, saw you, and knew the pain you were going through? Why or why not?

3. Engage the mind (15-20 mins)
– Read the passage. Why did Moses instruct the Israelites to stand, see, and be silent rather than do something when the Egyptians were coming for them (vv13-14)?
– Skim through Exodus 7-14 and note your observations on this “mission impossible” as God commanded Moses and Aaron to go to the Pharaoh repeatedly, even though He knew he wouldn’t let the Israelites go (7:1-7). How does this help you understand God’s sovereignty and purpose in light of human’s free will?

4. Engage the heart (15-20 mins)
– What fears or past traumas keep you feeling “enslaved”, even though you know Christ has freed you? What triggers you to revert to your old ways?
– Do you sense God’s recreative work in your life, especially in painful moments? How open are you to letting Him transform you through these experiences?

5. Engage the hands (15-20 mins)
– How can you practically “stand firm” and “see” God’s salvation in your current struggles? What would it look like to let Him work without trying to control the outcome?
– What steps can you take this week to surrender areas of bondage, allowing God to recreate and renew you in these parts of your life?
– In what ways can you remind yourself and others that God hears our cries and understands our pain, especially when we feel unseen or unheard?

6. Engage with God in prayer (20-30 mins)
– Praise God for His incredible compassion, that He hears our cries and sees us in our pain, even when we feel unseen or forgotten. Thank Him for His constant presence in our lives, for being the God who fights for us, and for the salvation He offers through His power and grace. Rejoice in His recreative work that brings freedom and transformation, making us new in Him.
– Repent for the times when you have allowed fear, doubt, or despair to take hold, forgetting that God sees and cares for you deeply. Ask for forgiveness for the moments you tried to handle struggles alone, rather than standing firm and trusting in His saving power. Pray that you may release all areas of bondage, fully surrendering to His re-creating work in your life.”

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