Questions and Answers About the 2021 CBCP Amended Bylaws

Updated: October 29, 2021
As part of the work to implement the 2021 CBCP Amended Bylaws, the Leadership team responds to key questions and concerns raised by the church members.
1. What are the leadership roles and who will have decision-making authority in our new bylaws?
There are two leadership roles – (1) Deacons and Deaconesses and (2) Elders – each with their specific roles, qualifications, and responsibilities.
Deacons and deaconesses will mainly oversee ministries, shepherd the flock, and aid in the general spiritual care of the church. Qualifications include: age 25 to 70 years old, male or female, and must have served in the Church for at least five (5) years. Deacons and deaconesses shall serve for a term of three (3) years, can serve for two (2) terms, after which has to take a mandatory one (1) year sabbatical rest. (See Article VI for more info.)
On the other hand, Elders will take on long-term administrative and strategic responsibilities that have thus far been shouldered by pastors, deacons, and other church workers. They will also be responsible for governance, policymaking, and making strategic plans and decisions for the church, alongside shepherding, teaching, and exhorting members of the church body. Qualifications include: age 40 to 70 years old, male, and must have served in the Church as a Deacon for at least two (2) terms for a total of six (6) years. Ordained elders shall not have a fixed term and shall continue to serve unless retired, resigned, or removed.
For the decision-making authority, we will now have a Board of Overseers instead of a Church Council. The Board of Overseers will be composed of the Senior Pastor and a subset of elders. This group shall be vested with the full authority to make decisions on behalf of the church, including the selection of future church leaders and the passing of future amendments to the bylaws. They will also have the authority to appoint Officers of the Board (e.g. secretary, treasurer) to support necessary functions for the church.
2. With the new bylaws approved, does that mean we will automatically have a Board of Overseers?
As defined by our previous (2014) bylaws, the church has two Overseers – Rev. Jeremiah Cheung and Ptr. Genesis Tan.
With the approval of our new bylaws, both Rev. Jeremiah Cheung and Ptr. Genesis Tan will now prayerfully commence the selection process for the first batch of Elders to appoint them into office by January 2022. After the elders are appointed, the first Board of Overseers will be determined and begin performing their duties as prescribed in the new bylaws. After that comes the appointment of new Deacons and Deaconesses.
3. What is the step-by-step process of appointing Deacons and Elders?
The Board of Overseers will select potential elders and deacons based on the qualifications prescribed in the bylaws (Section 5.5, 6.1, and 6.2). The process for appointing elders is in Section 5.4. Before the appointment, Elder and Deacon nominees’ names will be announced to the church congregation and posted on the church bulletin for three weeks. During that time, any member may send a written communication to the Senior Pastor for any concerns on the nominee.
4. How do we ensure accountability for our leaders given that the congregation will now have minimal voting privileges as stated in Section 4.3?
CBCP aims to appoint godly servant-leaders who are true disciples of Jesus Christ to lead the church. Biblical and practical qualifications are reflected in our new bylaws to help implement this (See 5.5, 6.1, 6.2, 7.1).
Furthermore, CBCP intends to promote transparency by formalizing the practice of accepting written communication from members about concerns on any leader’s character and behavior for corresponding actions and investigations to be made. CBCP will accept written reports before the leader’s appointment and throughout his / her years of service.
Should any elder, deacon, or deaconess be deemed unfit to lead, the bylaws also include disciplinary and removal processes (see Section 5.7, 6.5, 7.5). While measures are in place, CBCP recognizes that a perfect system does not exist. Ultimately, CBCP believes that God is in control of His church and will be active in testing our leaders and exposing faults. As a disciple-making church, we aim to uphold accountability beyond our structures and into our culture. By being faithful to the mission of making disciples, we believe that CBCP will be able to raise godly leaders who are mature and equipped disciples of Jesus Christ.
5. How will the character and quality of service of appointed leaders be evaluated?
While there is no evaluation process specified in the 2021 Amended Bylaws, leadership recognizes the idea as a constructive measure to further develop and include in our ways of working.
CBCP intends to follow the Scripture’s prescribed method of evaluation that says the primary evaluation of leaders is based on character more than skill. Should there be a character issue with one of our leaders, written reports and concerns submitted by members will be accepted and addressed.
In case of problems in performance after the appointment, the leader will be reassessed and reassigned based on his / her gifting. When a deacon / deaconess finds that they are unsuitable for their position, they can be transferred to another position in ministry.
6. What is the reason for limiting eldership to men?
First of all, the church believes that men and women are capable of serving in the same capacity. We believe that both Adam and Eve received the same empowerment to govern and cultivate (Gen.1:28). And because of this, the church welcomes women to serve as deaconesses and pastors.
However, when it comes to eldership, the church is following the key Biblical design and role given to men. Just as the man is the head of his household, men are also given the role and responsibility to lead God’s house as well (See passages cited in Section 5.5). The desire of the church is that it should be continuously raising godly men fit for the elder’s office.
Do you have questions?
The CBCP leadership welcomes questions and invites interested members to request a session to discuss the new bylaws. These sessions can be requested by sending an email to [email protected].