2021 CBCP Bylaws Amendment Passes by Simple Majority Vote

On October 23-24, 2021, more than 270 members of the Christian Bible Church of the Philippines (CBCP) met virtually in two separate online meetings to collectively pass a set of proposed amendments for the church’s bylaws.
The amendments passed with 231 (85 percent) yes votes, while a total of 39 individuals voted no and one chose to abstain. Under the church’s current rules, a simple majority vote – defined as fifty percent plus one (50 percent + 1) – by the members present is required to affirm the proposed amendments.
The following weekend (Oct 30-31), Rev. Jeremiah Cheung announced the results of the plebiscite during the online worship services. He thanked CBCP members for praying, taking part in the amendment process, and voicing suggestions and concerns that led to a meaningful and productive dialogue during the special general membership meetings.
Implementation and next steps
A number of key points and suggestions were raised by attendees during the meetings. The CBCP Bylaws Amendment Core Organizing Team, headed by Rev. Jeremiah Cheung and Deacon Cris Gamboa, are reviewing each one as part of the work to implement the new bylaws.
As next steps:
- The CBCP leadership invites members to request a session to discuss the new bylaws. These sessions can be requested by sending an email to [email protected].
- The newly approved bylaws are accessible to the public for viewing. Read the 2021 CBCP Amended Bylaws.
- Review a recap of the Questions and Answers about the 2021 CBCP Amended Bylaws.
- Stay tuned for more updates and announcements as the new bylaws are being implemented.
Breakdown of votes for the two Special General Membership Meetings are as follows:
- First Meeting. October 23, 2021, 2:00 PM Special General Membership Meeting for Chinese-speaking CBCP Members – Yes: 65 votes, No: 0 vote.
- Second Meeting. October 24, 2021, 2:00 PM Special General Membership Meeting for English-speaking CBCP Members – Yes: 166 votes, No: 39 votes, Abstain: 1 vote.