RESET Prayer & Fasting (Oct 28-30, 2020)

The spiritual practices of prayer and fasting play an important role in the life of every disciple. It is in prayer that we connect to God as He, too, communicates with us. Similarly, in fasting, we abstain from something — such as food, objects, or activities — to devote time and energy to spend with God.
We can pray and fast on our own, but these practices take on a whole new meaning when they are done as a community. When we pray and fast together, we create opportunities to carry each other’s burdens as the Lord has commanded us in Galatians 6:2. Alone we are weak and vulnerable. But together, we are stronger. Collective prayer and fasting strengthens the church as one body.
When the year started, we had no idea how the year 2020 would unfold and we still don’t know what challenges lie ahead. But one thing we do know is that we can finish the year by declaring that God — He who holds our past, present, and future — is able and eager to grant us the breakthroughs we are looking for.
Listen to the Devotional Messages
Day 1: October 28, 2020
Devotional Message: Our Eternal Hope
Speaker: Bro. Daniel Go
Scripture: Hebrews 12:1-3
Day 2: October 29, 2020
Devotional Message: Keep Going!
Speaker: Ptr. Allan Rillera
Scripture: Hebrews 12:1-3
Day 3: October 30, 2020
Devotional Message: Finishing Strong Together
Speaker: Bro. Nathan Tee
Scripture: Hebrews 12:1-3
How to Fast
To fast biblically is to abstain from something, some type of food, objects, or activities, to devote time and energy to spend with God in prayer. Fasting does NOT make us more holy nor does it earn God’s favor, Instead, it provides space for us to encounter and experience God more in our lives.
1. Choose how you will participate in the fast:
- Regular Fast – skipping all the meals in 1 or more days, taking only water
- Partial Fast – abstaining from certain foods or having just 1 or 2 meals a day
- Object Fast – replacing time spent on certain activities (such as watching TV or scrolling through social media) with time spent with the Lord
- Combination Fast– combining any of the above three fasts
⚠️ CAUTION: Do NOT fast without medical supervision if you:
- are taking prescription medications
- are prone to / experiencing eating disorders
- are suffering weakness or anemia
- are taking insulin for diabetes or have other blood sugar problems such as hyperglycemia
- are pregnant or nursing
2. Prepare to fast
- Start your fast gradually
- Cut down on food intake before beginning your fast
- Rest as much as you can and limit strenuous activities
- Be wary of experiencing physical discomfort (such as hunger pangs, headaches, weakness, sleeplessness, etc.) due to insufficient food intake or withdrawal from caffeine and sugar
- Prepare your heart and mind to fast and pray
- Confess your sins to God
- Avoid temptations (e.g. impatience, crankiness, anxiety, impulsiveness, etc.)
- Be committed to obeying God
- Experience God’s transforming power in your perspective, attitude, and behavior
Finally, remember that the focus of fasting is on God and prayer, NOT on the abstinence from food or other activities alone.