Encounters with God (10) | Elijah and the Gentle Whisper
Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed or depressed? Take heart, because even a prophet like Elijah had his share of difficult times. The Lord knew what Elijah needed then and he knows exactly what we need now. We just have to listen and follow His still small voice. In this message, Rev. Jeremiah Cheung shows us how. Audio and video for this message are now available.
Scripture Passage
1 Kings 19:9-18
Discussion Questions
1. Read the passage. What word or verse struck you the most?
2. Why did Elijah suffer from depression? Is psychological warfare real? What effect did being too tired have on Elijah? What are the results of comparing oneself with others? In what way can you relate with Elijah’s experience?
3. Why did God want Elijah to get up and eat?
- Why did God ask him, “What are you doing here?”
- Why did God ask Elijah to go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord?
- Why did God say to him, “Go back…”?
4. How did Elijah stand up again despite his weakness? In where you are now, how can you stand up again?
5. Personally, what is your learning from Elijah’s encounter with God?