
October 16, 2011

Amazing Gospel Conference

by Rev. Jeremiah Cheung

There are two unique elements in this story narrated by Jesus in Luke 16:19-31:

1. Jesus depicted a true situation in hell. No one has ever been to heaven and no one has ever been to hell, but the Bible reveals to us the true situation in heaven and in hell.

2. This is a true story. During his ministry, Jesus used to narrate parables and stories; the characters in his stories and parables don’t have names, except for this one. The name of the character is Lazarus. During Jesus’ time, there really existed a person by the name of Lazarus and what is amazing is that this Lazarus did get sick and die. And even more amazing, he was raised back to life after he had been dead for four days by the Lord Jesus. Those who didn’t believe in Jesus wanted to kill Lazarus, since because of him many believed in Jesus.

From this, we realize that the story of the rich man and Lazarus is a true situation. When we depart from this life, there is no other place we can go to apart from heaven or hell; therefore, before we leave this world, we must make a choice for ourselves.

Today, we will see an amazing gospel conference and in it, we will see three different representatives:
– Abraham is a representative of God,
– Lazarus is a representative of heaven, and
– the rich man is a representative of hell.
These three people are discussing which one is the best method for evangelism:

I. The Rich Man – Hell’s Representative

Let us first understand the rich man, who he is, why he was in hell, and what request he was making.

1. He was a rich man who knew how to enjoy life – V.19

“There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day.” Jesus was really a good preacher for with three simple sentences he was able to reveal the rich man’s philosophy of life. The rich man was someone who knew how to enjoy life, he knew how to use money. Some rich people don’t know how to use money, they live miserably and die leaving tens of millions in property, these are misers. However, this rich man wasn’t so, he wore the best branded clothes, he ate the best food, and not only did he himself enjoy life, he knew how to enjoy life with his family and friends. The man was really wise, he knew that to enjoy along with a group is to increase the pleasure tenfold.

2. He was a rich man who knew how to do good – V.20-21

“At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores and longing to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores.” There is a very important implication in this sentence – this rich man was a well-known philanthropist. How do we know this? The beggar Lazarus was sick, he could not even walk, but someone left him at the rich man’s gate to beg for alms, for food.

If you know who the kindest and most wicked man is in Talayan village, to which one will you go if you have a need? Will you approach the barangay captain? There was one time, the barangay captain brought someone to see me. This man was here in the Philippines with his daughter, but their residency had expired, and they wanted to leave the Philippines, however they had no money to buy plane tickets. So the barangay captain came to me, hoping the church could help them. To cut the story short, after verifying the veracity of their story, I asked our lawyer to help them with their papers and the church bought two plane tickets to send them back to their home. What I am trying to say is they came to us because they have confidence in the church. If that rich man had been famous for being wicked, people would not have left Lazarus at his gate for he might harm Lazarus, right? Instead, he allowed Lazarus to remain at his gate and he even gave him some food, the rich man must have had a compassionate heart.

3. He was a rich man who did not know the Lord

Sometimes, we wrongly assume that this rich man went to hell because he was rich, because he had lived in luxury. There is nothing wrong in having money, in being rich, there is nothing wrong either with knowing how to enjoy one’s riches. Going to heaven or hell does not have anything to do with a person being rich or poor; neither with whether he lived in luxury or not. There were two rich men in this story – there was the rich man in hell, and the rich man in heaven. Remember, Abraham was a rich man and when he died, he went to heaven. The rich man was not in hell because he was rich nor that he lived in luxury, but because he didn’t know the Lord. Brothers and sisters, if we have everything in this life but do not have the Lord, someday, when we leave this life, not only will we not be able to bring any of our wealth with us, we will have to face eternal suffering. Do you have the Lord in your heart?

4. He issued two requests from hell

After the rich man died, he was brought to suffer in hell. V.23-24, “In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’” This was his first request – `send Lazarus to dip his finger in water and cool my tongue.’

This was not a big favour to ask. He was in agony in hell; because the fire in hell never goes out, his soul couldn’t die either, he is eternally suffering, and he was not asking for a cup of ice-cold Coca-Cola, he was not asking for a cup of ice water, only a little water, this is really a very small request, yet his request was rejected. Why? V.26 “Abraham said to him: “… between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.” He meant, “It is not that I do not want to help you, it is not possible at all. It is not possible for us to go over there to you, it’s too late.”

Too late – this is the most regrettable thing in life. Dear friends, brothers and sisters, do not be too late. If you don’t make the right choice for the future now, you will forever regret it. Do not be too late! V. 27-28 “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’

This was a really good request. He was not asking for himself, he sought this for his brothers’ sake. Because he was suffering, he did not want to see his brothers suffer the same way he was suffering, but his request was still refused. V.29, “Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.” Moses and the Prophets represent the entire Old Testament of the Bible. What he meant was that Lazarus need not go back, they need only heed the Bible, then they would not have to suffer in hell. The rich man did not agree, so, he and Abraham began a debate about which one is the best evangelistic method. Let us first identify the character Abraham, God’s representative, who he is, what his point of view is.

II. Abraham – God’s Representative

V.23 records how while the rich man was suffering in hell, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. Why was Lazarus not in God’s arms but in Abraham’s? Abraham is God’s representative; he is the ancestor of the Jews. The Jews call themselves the descendants of Abraham, they think that as descendants of Abraham, they are saved. Jesus is showing them that not every person who is Abraham’s descendant will be saved. That is why one man was in heaven and the other one was in hell. Similarly, not everyone who claims to be a Christian is saved. If we do not acknowledge from the heart, confess our sins and accept Jesus as our Savior, even if we undergo baptism, we will perish. Abraham denied both the rich man’s requests, not because he was unloving, but because he had to speak the truth and say `no’. The rich man’s first request was for Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool his tongue. Abraham said: “Between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.” The rich man’s second request was for Lazarus to be sent back to the world and warn the man’s five brothers so that they will repent and not have to go to hell. This was a very noble request, but Abraham rejected it too; he said there was no such need, because they have the Old Testament of the Bible to which they can take heed. As long as they accept the truth and the teachings of the Bible, they would not have to suffer in hell.

1. The Rich Man’s Point of View – V.30

“‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.” The rich man didn’t agree with Abraham’s view. He argued that if someone from the dead would preach the gospel to them, they will surely repent. At first glance, this seems to be the best way to share the gospel – a man rising back from the dead to share the gospel to those who are living, to tell them the horrors and sufferings of hell or the beauty of heaven. Everyone would surely believe in the Lord then; just like the miracle crusades that are held nowadays, where those who have been healed miraculously are invited to testify and many believe in the Lord. We will not deliberate whether those so-called miraculous healings are real or false, or whether the power is from the Lord or from evil spirits. What I want to point out is: If a so-called miracle occurs again and again and again, people will become used to it, the miracle will no longer be a miracle.

If our faith is built on miracles, then our faith has no sure foundation. True faith must be built on the Words of Moses and the Prophets, that is the truths in the Bible. After the 911 incident, many people started going to church. Because of the tragedy, people felt deeply life’s uncertainty, that none of them could tell what might happen the next day. They felt strongly how they could not face tomorrow without real faith. However, a year later, the number of those who go to church slowly declined; two years after, the number of people who attend church returned to almost that before 911. How about that? Would it have to take another 911 for them to return to church? True faith must be based on truth rather than on so-called signs and wonders. I am not against miracles, signs and wonders, because our God is a God of miracles, but our faith must not be based on signs and wonders, but upon the Lord himself.

2. Abraham’s Point of View – Abraham refused the requests of the rich man.

V.31 “Abraham said: “If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” Strangely, the meeting ended with that reply from Abraham. There were no further discussions. The rich man did not say anything about it anymore, neither did Abraham. The Bible seems to tell us, ‘Whether you want to accept it or not, it is up to you, it is your own choice!’ Which method do you think is the best for sharing the gospel – through signs and wonders, or through the word of Truth? I think a lot of people are like the rich man, they believe that miracles are the best way to share the gospel. We have really been deceived by Satan, no wonder so many people are heading towards hell. The Gospel of John, chapter 12 records an actual incident. A disciple of Jesus named Lazarus, fell ill and died. Four days later, Jesus raised him back to life. What resulted from this? John 12:9-11 “Meanwhile a large crowd of Jews found out that Jesus was there and came, not only because of him but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. So the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well, for on account of him many of the Jews were going over to Jesus and believing in him.”

Here we see three results:

2a. People Curious to See Lazarus – They came, not only because of Jesus, but to take a look at Lazarus. These are a group of curious people. They wanted to see this miracle, but we should note that these people may believe in Jesus today but tomorrow they may convert to another faith. They will believe as long as there are miracles for them to see, it is not God they believe in but the miracles.

2b. People who Wanted to Kill Lazarus Out of Jealousy – The chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus. The rich man said in hell: “If someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.” Now, someone who really resurrected from the dead is before them, yet not only did they not believe, they even wanted to kill him. And this was because many believed in Jesus because of him. We see therefore, that if men do not believe God’s Word, even if someone from the dead goes to them, they will not believe.

2c. People who Believed on Account of Him – Lastly, there were those who believed on account of Lazarus. They believed in the Lord Jesus, but do you think there were a lot of them? There were not a lot, because after Jesus’ resurrection, those who believed were no more than 120. Previously, tens of thousands followed the Lord Jesus, but later, they all disappeared. It is not miracles, but the Word of God, which bring men unto salvation.

III. Lazarus – Heaven’s Representative

If you notice, Lazarus was silent all throughout this story. While he was still on earth, he was a beggar and he was sick, the Bible says he was covered with sores. The Bible goes on to say that when Lazarus died, he was carried by the angels to Abraham’s bosom; and the rich man also died and was buried. Seemingly, Lazarus wasn’t even given a burial.

However, we need to understand that Lazarus went to heaven after he died not because he used to suffer while on earth, not because he was ill, not because he was poor, but because he knew the Lord. In heaven, he was in the arms of Abraham, yet he spoke not a word because he knew that it is all by the grace of God that he was in heaven. He had done nothing at all, it was all because of God’s grace that he was in heaven; thus, there was nothing he could say.

Some people say it well, when we die and reach heaven, we will be amazed by three things:

1. The person you thought would not be in heaven is there. Sometimes, we think that some people can’t be saved, but God’s grace reached them and saved them.

2. The person whom you thought would be in heaven isn’t there at all. Some people look pious and seem to love the Lord, but they are hypocrites. As a result they are rejected at heaven’s door.

3. At that moment you will find most amazing that `I am in heaven’. When we look at our own life, we cannot but feel unworthy. Paul said, “It is by grace you have been saved, through faith—so that no one can boast.”

There are Three Applications We Can Find from Today’s Message

1. The rich man was in hell not because of anything he did or did not do. He was there because he did not know the Lord, he did not have the Lord in his heart. It was not for the poor or the rich that Heaven was prepared. Heaven was prepared for those who accept the Lord. Have you accepted the Lord?

2. Lazarus was in heaven not because of anything he had or had not done, either. The reason he was in heaven was the grace of God. By faith, he had accepted the Lord’s grace, and he was saved. He had nothing to boast of at all. We must give thanks to the Lord for his grace.

3. Abraham tells us the way to salvation is not through miracles and wonders but by believing in the words of Moses and the Prophets. The Bible contains the words of eternal life. The Bible says: “Faith comes by hearing the message and the message is heard through the word of Christ.”

The rich man had five brothers. How many brothers, relatives, friends do we have? If they do not have the Lord, they have no eternal life, they will have to suffer some day in hell. Have we shared the gospel to them? Let us pray!

October 16, 2011