Shocked, Confused, then Healed
The story of Jesus healing the paralytic is remarkable because of the extraordinary response of the patient, his helpers, and the Healer. This week, Ptr. Jared Co explores the unusual faith and actions that surprised, confused, and amazed those who witnessed this miracle.
Read Today’s Scripture Passage
Mark 2:1-12
Life Group Discussion Guide
1. Start with a prayer
2. Engage one another (15-30 mins)
– Share a time when you were initially shocked or confused by something, but later realized it was for the best. What happened, and what did you learn from this experience?
3. Engage the mind (15-20 mins)
– Read the passage. Why were the people shocked when Jesus forgave the paralytic’s sins before healing him? What does this reveal about Jesus’ priorities?
– How does Jesus address both the paralytic’s and the scribes’ hearts in this passage? What does this teach us about His grace?
4. Engage the heart (15-20 mins)
– In what ways have you seen God’s healing—physically, emotionally, or spiritually—in your life? How did it deepen your relationship with Him?
– Do you have friends who carry you to Jesus when you are too weak to go to Him yourself? How have they helped you grow in faith?
5. Engage the hands (15-20 mins)
– When you face struggles, do you tend to seek physical/tangible solutions before spiritual/faith-requiring ones? How is God prompting you to adjust and align how you address problems?
– How can you be a friend who carries others to Jesus? What practical ways can you encourage and support someone in your community?
6. Engage with God in prayer (20-30 mins)
– Praise Jesus for His unwavering love that seeks to forgive and heal us completely. Thank Him for knowing exactly what we need—even when we do not recognize it ourselves. Rejoice in the truth that He does not wait for us to be strong but meets us in our weakness with His grace, surrounding us with a community that helps carry us to Him.
– Repent for the times you have sought temporary relief over true spiritual healing. Ask for forgiveness for doubting Jesus’ care when His answers did not align with your desires. Pray for a heart that trusts in His wisdom, allowing your struggles to draw you closer to Him. Seek the strength to commit to a faith community where you can both receive and extend Christ’s love.
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