
January 26, 2025

I Will Follow Him

To follow Jesus means more than just making Him “a part of your life”; instead, it means placing Him at the center. This week, Pastor Renz Raquion reminds us that when we make Jesus our greatest pursuit, everything else in our lives will fall into place.

Read Today’s Scripture Passage

Mark 1:16-20

Life Group Discussion Guide

Download PDF

1. Start with a prayer

2. Engage one another (15-30 mins)
– Share about a person you follow or are a fan of (e.g. influencer, celebrity). How do you express your admiration and support for them? How is it similar or different to how you follow Christ?

3. Engage the mind (15-20 mins)
– Based on your knowledge of the Gospels, what did it look like for these four fishermen to follow Jesus? How is this different from what it looks like for us to follow Jesus today? How is it the same?
– What does “living deeply and fully with the people here and now” look like as a follower of Jesus?

4. Engage the heart (15-20 mins)
– Do you believe that who you are today is enough to follow Jesus, or are you waiting to feel more qualified or worthy? Where does this belief come from? Is it aligned with God’s Word?
– Are you fully investing your life in following Jesus now, or are you delaying your commitment? What encourages and hinders you from doing so?

5. Engage the hands (15-20 mins)
– How can you embrace your current circumstances and follow Jesus as you are today?
– What specific actions will you take today to live out the way of Jesus in your work, relationships, and community?

6. Engage with God in prayer (20-30 mins)
– Praise the Heavenly Father for calling us as we are—ordinary people with flaws and imperfections—into an extraordinary life of following Him. Thank Him for His personal and relational invitation to walk with Him daily. Rejoice that His call to follow Him transforms our lives and gives us purpose.
– Repent for the times you doubted your worthiness to follow Him and delayed responding to His call. Ask for forgiveness for trying to align God’s way with your own desires instead of submitting fully to His leading. Pray that you may trust that He is enough and follow Him wholeheartedly, starting now.

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